South Korean Curriculum
Education is extremely important in South Korea. It is highly competitive and there is a lot of pressure on students to succeed. There is a standardized curriculum. Students attend six years of primary school. Middle school covers grades seven to nine, and students are required to take twelve subjects, including electives and extracurricular activities. Schools also often require regulation uniforms and haircuts. In high school, of which many are separated by sex, there are two paths that students can follow: academic or vocational. In either track, students are expected to study many hours, and admission to the top universities, for those on the academic track, becomes quite competitive. Students on the vocational track can study such fields as agriculture, technology, commerce, fishery and home economics.
Language for Success
Starting in the third grade, students begin an education in the English language courses. Learning a second language is a rather useful life skill, but we understand that it doesn’t come easy to everyone. In such a competitive culture, struggle with any subject could be detrimental. Our online education system offers a program in English as a second language that is geared toward not only teaching the English language but making sure students understand it. We aim to improve reading, writing and speaking skills with a variety of learning activities.
Knowing multiple languages can help you become an invaluable person in the workforce. Let us show you that it is easy to do so with thirty days of free online classes.
To see more detail about lessons covered within our subjects, just click on the year group titles below:

- Elementary Grade 1 Mathematics
- Elementary Grade 2 Mathematics
- Elementary Grade 3 Mathematics
- Elementary Grade 4 Mathematics
- Elementary Grade 5 Mathematics
- Elementary Grade 6 Mathematics
- Middle School Year I Mathematics
- Middle School Year II Mathematics
- Middle School Year III Mathematics
- High School Year I – Humanities Mathematics
- High School Year I – Science and Engineering Mathematics
- High School Year II – Humanities Mathematics
- High School Year II – Science and Engineering Mathematics
- High School Year III – Humanities Mathematics
- High School Year III – Science and Engineering Mathematics