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Punctuation is a part of English language literacy that uses a variety of spacing and symbols to convey meaning. The meaning of a written sentence can change greatly depending on the type of punctuation mark used. Using one of these symbols incorrectly can result in a very serious misunderstanding. In traditional English classes, students learn how to recognize and use the different symbols to say what they are thinking in writing. Comprehending and utilizing punctuation correctly can take some time, especially in a classroom setting, where multiple lessons are being taught in one limited session. Online English classes offer the option to focus on punctuation without a time limit, giving students the practice they need to perfect this very important skill.


ELearning Punctuation

Even though online English literacy classes often offer an assessment test to determine areas of weakness, if you know you need help with punctuation alone, you have the option of skipping this test and manually selecting lessons that solely focus on this skill. You are provided with video tutorials for a visual lesson and worksheets to practice. At the end of a worksheet, you can click on your incorrect answers to see exactly where you went wrong. If needed, you have 24/7 access to online English tutors who can help explain things further. There is no need to schedule an appointment. Unlike the traditional classroom setting, you can practice for as long as you need and you’re in the comfort of your own home.


Different Types of Punctuation

There are several types of punctuation to convey different meanings. Periods give finality to a statement. Exclamation marks place emphasis on the sentence. Question marks indicate direct questions. Commas are used to separate ideas or elements within a sentence. They are also used in separate two complete sentences. Semicolons separate two independent clauses and suggest that the two clauses are closely related. A colon is used for introducing a quote, an example or series of items. Dashes not only show the connection between numbers or elements, but they also show a break in thought, add a phrase for explanation or separate two clauses. A hyphen is used to connect a compound word. Apostrophes show an omission of a letter as well as show possession. Quotations demonstrate speech or that the phrase being stated is someone else’s wording. Ellipses are often a quote within a quote. Parentheses, similar to commas, show further thoughts.

With eLearning, you can learn how to use all of the above punctuation marks, and others, correctly. You can practice in the comfort of your own home without worrying about keeping up with others around you. And, as an added bonus, you can practice for as long as you need and there is always someone available to help.