Maths Tuition
When the maths being taught in school is not as effective as either you or your child knows it should be, maybe the teacher moves too quickly or is paying too much attention to the disruptive children, then responsible parent has to take action in the interest of their child. Too many children get left behind or neglected in a busy classroom by teachers who have too many considerations to give your child the attention they deserve. So what can you do if you feel that your child is not reaching their full potential or getting what they need from their school’s maths tuition? If you have the time you could teach your child the necessary topics yourself. Depending on the curriculum level your child is currently at, you may be able to bridge any learning gaps yourself. There are many websites that can give advice on how you can do this. Websites that also offer to sell you the resources in order to be able to do it effectively.
.Popular Maths Curriculum Courses in Australia.
Year 4 Maths
Topics include multiplication using extended algorithms, introduction to decimals, comparing & ordering fractions to bar charts & pictograms.
Year 5 Maths
Year 5 introduces multiples and factors of whole numbers, reducing fractions to lowest equivalent form and rounding decimals amongst other topics.
Year 6 Maths
Algebraic equations, rounding decimals, dividing and multiplying fractions and problems with length, mass and area are all introduced in year 6.
Year 7 Maths
Topics include an introduction to the square centimetre, geometry transformations without matrices and statistic probability.

Another option is, you could employ a dedicated maths tutor to come and visit your home and provide one-to-one instruction. Some considerations you have to weigh up with this option; you have to ensure that this person is CRB checked (not currently listed within police records), that they are fully qualified, that they are reliable in their tuition ability (check their references) and finally that they are affordable. Some private maths tutors can charge an extortionate amount for an hour of tuition. The average seems to be between £25 and £35 per hour in the UK. You will also need to make sure your child is calm, focussed and ready for the time that the tutor is there to make the most of the money you have invested. Your third option is technology. Technology that includes software that is fun and engaging for your child, with well thought-out lessons and on-line support from qualified and experienced teachers. Software that is available whenever your child needs it and is ready to engage with it and lastly, software that capable of generating in-depth, real-time reports on progress made, with easy-to-read graphs and statistics that will keep you well informed of your child’s progression and areas of development.

FutureSchool have a vast bank of on-line resources on mathematical lessons and educational material ranging from K through to 12th grade (reception to A-level if you’re in the UK). There are tuition videos clips, concise lessons, quizzes and much more. It has been developed by education experts and qualified teachers to align with current curriculums and national standards.
Take advantage of the 30-day free trial. This is a zero risk and at zero cost to you so you can see if FutureSchool has what it takes to keep your child one step ahead.