Math For Kids
Children are marvellous learners. Their brains are like knowledge sponges, absorbing every interesting piece of information. If you can make tough subjects fun and interesting for them, kids will amaze you with how quickly they can grasp difficult concepts. Maths is an essential life skill. It underpins virtually everything and having a good grounding in the key concepts and an awareness of the more abstract ideas, promotes logical brain function and general intellect. The problem is however, how do you get kids interested in a subject like maths? It is not an easy thing to do, especially with how many other things are vying for their attention at the same time. The solution is to make learning fun, challenging and engaging. That’s where FutureSchool can help. FutureSchool is a complete tool kit for maths tuition. From basic through to advanced, aligned to national curriculums and standards in different countries worldwide. The key is involvement and coordination between the tutor, the student and the parent(s).

TUTOR FutureSchool is the tutor and comes equipped with vast on-line resources at every academic level K-12 (all key stages, GCSE and A-Level). Video clips to explain the concepts are combined with fun, engaging and challenging lessons and questions – there is everything in one place. The true test of a good tutor is if they can explain complex ideas in a simple way. We think that you’ll agree that FutureSchool is not only a good tutor, but a great one. STUDENT We know that for the student, further study at home is probably not high on their agenda. School is for lessons, home is for play and fun. However, if they have access to a tablet computer, they may be playing games for extended periods of time and not realising that maths logic is an underlying principal; they are learning by stealth. What if the same sort of bright and engaging programme could be used to teach maths more directly and in a way that would transfer seamlessly to the classroom? FutureSchool have fun lessons (they don’t feel like lessons) that explain clearly the concept or subject of the lesson. They then progress on to scenarios and questions that challenge the student on their knowledge of the topic.

PARENT For you as the parent we have everything you need to ensure that progress is being made. When your child uses the platform, their results from tests and challenges are presented in easy-to-read graphs and stats. You can see their areas of strength and areas that may need a bit more focus. FutureSchool will continually challenge your child and help them to reach further than they potentially would in a classroom alone. You can use FutureSchool free for 30 days and see just how powerful it is a as a tool for teaching and reporting. In this time you can get a snapshot of what level your child is at and understand what topics they need extra help with in order to achieve their full potential.