Key Stage 2 - KS2 Maths
Key Stage 2 mathematics covers Year 3 Maths, Year 4 Maths, Year 5 Maths and Year 6 Maths, up until you start Secondary school or high school. Key Stage 2 covers some of the same topics that you will have already seen at key stage 1 but at a higher level whilst also introducing you to new topics and theories. Firstly you will revisit numeracy skills addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but at Key Stage 2 you will do these calculations with 3 figures rather than 2. In addition to this you will be introduced to decimals where you will be taught how to compare and order decimals to two decimal places and how to use decimals with whole numbers too. One of the biggest subject areas that you will study at Key Stage 2 is geometry with quadrilaterals, you will be introduced to quadrilaterals as a whole, classifying quadrilaterals, properties of quadrilaterals and how to use their properties. Throughout Key Stage 2 you will be expected to continue progressing at a steady rate just like you did whilst at Key Stage 1, as it is all still relatively basic level mathematics, whereas at Key Stage 3 level it becomes a little more complex.
.Popular Maths Curriculum Courses in England.
Key Stage 2
Year 3 Maths
Subtraction with borrowing, calculation sharing/division, units of time, bar charts and much more is included in this comprehensive course.
Key Stage 2
Year 4 Maths
Topics include multiplication using extended algorithms, introduction to decimals, comparing & ordering fractions to bar charts & pictograms.
Key Stage 2
Year 5 Maths
Year 5 introduces multiples and factors of whole numbers, reducing fractions to lowest equivalent form and rounding decimals amongst other topics.
Key Stage 2
Year 6 Maths
Algebraic equations, rounding decimals, dividing and multiplying fractions and problems with length, mass and area are all introduced in year 6.

KS2 Maths Explained
Key Stages of the National Curriculum and the various levels that are used in education today may seem confusing to some parents with teaching methods and strategies much different to what they learned in the past. Understanding what level your child is at, and the variety of skills they will be learning as part of their key stage will help you to offer them much needed support at home. Key Stage 2 Maths follows on directly from Key Stage 1 Maths and is taught when your child is in the second half of primary education from the ages 7-11.KS 2 Maths is typically split into two stages – KS2 Lower which will be taught to your child from 7-9, before moving into KS2 Upper which is aimed at children 9-11. They will then progress to Key Stage 3 once they have moved up to secondary school. What do children learn in Key Stage 2 Maths? All teaching methods will be introduced throughout the school year so that children will become familiar with the maths techniques over time. As a parent, you will probably notice that more and more Maths vocabulary is being picked up and used at this stage. Some of this may already be familiar to you, although there may be some modern variations that your child will probably end up explaining to you! By the time they have reached KS2, children will be fairly proficient in maths and will have the confidence to add, subtract, multiply and divide. They will be able to do a certain level of mental arithmetic and problem solving, including the use of measurements, money and time. By the end of KS2, children will have a secure grasp of their times tables. Of course, as with any subject, children are bound to progress at different speeds. Some children can pick up methods and techniques very quickly, while others may need additional support. As a parent, it will only ever be beneficial if you can offer as much support and encouragement as possible to your child during Key Stage 2 Maths. What is the best way to support my child during KS2 Maths? There are lots of things you can do with your children which will aid their development during Key Stage 2 Maths The most important thing you can do as a parent is to help your child enjoy KS2 Maths, no matter what their level of ability of confidence is. They may struggle, they may get bored or distracted but try not to get irritated or impatient with them – the last thing you want is for them to be put of maths for life.Talk to your children about the elements of maths that they enjoy – or what they don’t enjoy. Try and find examples of everyday life where maths is used so they can visualise the problem. Playing games which involve numbers and logic can really help with their mental stimulation – try card games, dominoes, darts etc. If you aren’t sure just what level they are at and how much support they need then why not check with their school and maths teacher to find out if there is any precise help that would be useful. They will also be able to tell you the specific methods of teaching that they are using so you are all working together using the same techniques.

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