Reception Maths
During your first year of education, you will be introduced to Key Stage 1 mathematics at an extremely basic level. As you will be aware, you aren’t expected to come out of reception maths with large amounts of knowledge or skills, it focuses upon giving you the basic foundations that you will need as you progress further. You will be taught how to use and apply numbers from 1-9, as well as being able to order them correctly. You will also be taught things that aren’t immediately recognisable as maths subjects, as you will be taught how to tell the time, the months of the year and the days of the week. This knowledge is vital for your development at such a young age even though they may not be completely math related. As you can see, throughout reception mathematics your intelligence or level of maths knowledge will not be measured or tested too stringently, it focuses upon giving you a strong foundation so that when you move further into Key Stage 1 during Year 1 Maths and Year 2 Maths you are at a comfortable level.
.Popular Maths Curriculum Courses in England.
Key Stage 1
Year 1 Maths
Topics covered include reasoning and calculations, fractions, length, weight/mass, lines and angles, time: months, duration, analogue.
Key Stage 1
Year 2 Maths
Subtraction, problems, fractions, calculation-grouping, calculation-multiples, 3-D Shapes, capacity and data are all covered in this course.
Key Stage 2
Year 3 Maths
Subtraction with borrowing, calculation sharing/division, units of time, bar charts and much more is included in this comprehensive course.
Key Stage 2
Year 4 Maths
Topics include multiplication using extended algorithms, introduction to decimals, comparing & ordering fractions to bar charts & pictograms.