You already know the number 10. Well, now you can learn all about the numbers that are multiples of 10. Ten is the first multiple, as 1 times 10 equals 10. One unit of 10 and zero units of 1. If 10 is the first multiple of 10, then logically the next number in the 10s counting pattern would be the same as 2 times 10, and it is. Twenty is equal to 2 times 10. It has 2 units of 10 and zero units of 1. The word is written like this, T-W-E-N-T-Y.
The number after 2 is 3, and 3 times 10 is equal to 30, which is the next number in the 10s counting pattern. Thirty has 3 units of 10 and zero units of 1. The word is written T-H-I-R-T-Y. I wonder what the next multiple is.