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Year 6 Literacy

1 Pronouns Pronouns
Objective: To show a pronoun is used in place of a noun.
2 Pronouns Pronouns 2
Objective: To recognise and use personal, possessive and relative pronouns.
3 Punctuation Commas 1
Objective: To use commas: to list, to make meaning clear, and when writing the date.
4 Commas 2 Commas 2
Objective: To use commas: to separate places, to separate clauses within sentences, and when using direct speech.
5 Clauses Clauses
Objective: To identify and use clauses including adjectival, adverbial and noun clauses.
6 Mass and Count Nouns Determiners
Objective: To identify and use determiners correctly with mass and count nouns.
7 Verbs Verbs – Tense
Objective: To identify and use the correct tense of verbs: past, present and future.
8 Verb tense – Compound Verb tense – Compound
Objective: To identify and use ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ with the appropriate participle of the main verb.
9 Spelling Skills Spelling
Objective: To correctly spell words after adding suffixes: ‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘er’, ‘est’.
10 Advanced Dictionary Use Advanced Dictionary Use
Objective: To use dictionaries by identifying all the information provided. To use a thesaurus.
11 Prefixes Prefixes
Objective: The identify and use prefixes.
12 Suffixes Suffixes
Objective: The identify and use suffixes.
13 Mnemonics Spelling – Mnemonics
Objective: To identify and use mnemonics to assist in correct spelling.
14 Spelling Skills Syllabification
Objective: To improve spelling by dividing words correctly into syllables.
15 Adjectives Adjectives
Objective: To show an adjective is a word that describes a noun.
16 Adverbs Adverbs
Objective: To identify and use adverbs. To understand an adverb tells something about (modifies) a verb.
17 Modal Verbs Modal Verbs
Objective: To identify and use modal verbs with the appropriate form of the main verb.
18 Verbs – Active and Passive voice Verbs – Active and Passive voice
Objective: To identify and use active and passive voice.
19 Gerunds Gerunds
Objective: To identify and use gerunds.
20 Similes and Metaphors Similes and Metaphors
Objective: To identify and use similes and metaphors.
21 Participles – as Verbs and Adjectives Participles – as Verbs and Adjectives
Objective: To identify and use participles as verbs or adjectives as indicators of continuing action.
22 Verbs – Active and Passive voice Verbs – Active and Passive voice
Objective: To identify and use active and passive voice.
23 Mnemonics Spelling – Mnemonics
Objective: To identify and use mnemonics to assist in correct spelling.
24 Essay Writing 2 Essay Writing 2
Objective: To develop and write essays.
25 Adjectives Adjectives
Objective: To show an adjective is a word that describes a noun.
26 Adverbs Adverbs
Objective: To identify and use adverbs. To understand an adverb tells something about (modifies) a verb.
27 Similes and Metaphors Similes and Metaphors
Objective: To identify and use similes and metaphors.
28 Figurative Language Symbolism and Personification
Objective: To identify, and make use of, symbolism and personification.
29 Figurative Language Onomatopoeia, Assonance and Alliteration
Objective: To identify, and make use of, onomatopoeia, assonance, and alliteration.
30 Spelling Skills Word Usage
Objective: To correctly choose words with similar spelling, sound and meaning.
31 Review of Figures of Speech Review of Figures of Speech
Objective: To identify multiple uses of figures of speech within writing.
32 Have you met? Hello!
Objective: Use the present tense verb to be (am, is and are) correctly in written and spoken work. Answer comprehension questions and apply am, is and are correctly.
33 Have you met? The world in a classroom!
Objective: At the end of this lesson, students will have learnt how to ask a question in English, and how to use the definite and indefinite articles.
34 Modal Verbs Modal Verbs
Objective: To identify and use modal verbs with the appropriate form of the main verb.
35 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Objective: To identify and use transitive and intransitive verbs.
36 Case – Nouns and Pronouns Case – Nouns, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Objective: To identify the case of nouns and pronouns.
37 Participles – as Verbs and Adjectives Participles – as Verbs and Adjectives
Objective: To identify and use participles as verbs or adjectives as indicators of continuing action.
38 Verbs Verbs – Tense
Objective: To identify and use the correct tense of verbs: past, present and future.
39 Conjunctions – Sentences Conjunctions – Sentences
Objective: To use conjunctions to increase the variety of sentence structure in written expression.
40 Sentence Improvement Sentence Improvement
Objective: To construct expressive sentences by using adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses.
41 Variety of Expression Sentence Construction
Objective: To construct expressive and precise sentences to improve meaning.
42 Review of Figures of Speech Review of Figures of Speech
Objective: To identify multiple uses of figures of speech within writing.