Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF)
With the introduction of the Australian Curriculum, teachers will be using the two curricula; Australian Curriculum and the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework (NTCF) to teach, assess and report. In 2012 the Learning Area Achievement Standards for the Northern Territory were developed to enable a consistent assessment and reporting methodology using the two curricula. Northern Territory Government – Dept. of Education
With this in mind, FutureSchool provides both the Australian Curriculum and the Northern Territory Curriculum Framework for your family or school. This will remain in place until the full rollout and integration has been completed.
Whatever level your family, you can rest assured that FutureSchool will complement and work hand-in-hand with their current schoolwork.
For those schools that offer the International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Examinations curricula, these are also available within FutureSchool as part of its standard curriculum library.
Find out more about home schooling in Australia.
To see more detail about lessons covered within our subjects, just click on your state from the list:

- NT Reception Mathematics
- NT Year 1 Mathematics
- NT Year 2 Mathematics
- NT Year 3 Mathematics
- NT Year 4 Mathematics
- NT Year 5 Mathematics
- NT Year 6 Mathematics
- NT Year 7 Mathematics
- NT Year 8 Mathematics
- NT Year 9 Mathematics
- NT Year 9 Extension Mathematics
- NT Year 10 Mathematics
- NT Year 10 Extension Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 1: Earning and Spending Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 2: Measurement Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 3: Data in Context Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 4: Networks and Matrices Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 5: Saving and Borrowing Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 6: Simulating Random Processes Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 7: Statistics Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 8: Geometry and Mensuration Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 9: Models of Growth Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 10: Quadratic and other Polynomials Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 11: Coordinate Geometry Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 12: Functions and Graphs Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 13: Planar Geometry Mathematics
- NT Year 11 – 14: Periodic Phenomena Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 1: Applied Geometry Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 2: Investments and Loans Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 3: Maths and Small Business Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 4: Matrices Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 5: Optimisation Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 6: Probability and Simulation Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Applied 8: Statistics and Working with Data Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Methods Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Specialist Mathematics
- NT Year 11 Maths and Specialist Studies Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 1: Applied Geometry Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 2: Investments and Loans Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 3: Maths and Small Business Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 4: Matrices Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 5: Optimisation Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 6: Probability and Simulation Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Applied 8: Statistics and Working with Data Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Methods Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Specialist Mathematics
- NT Year 12 Maths and Specialist Studies Mathematics