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Year 6 English – Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

1 A visit to the Zoo About Koalas
Objective: Students will be able to answer questions about the text, identify the target language point ‘like’ + the infinitive) and distinguish between simple facts and opinions.
2 A visit to the Zoo I’m a zookeeper.
Objective: Students will be able to answer comprehension questions on reading, increase their vocabulary and use the frequency adverbs, ‘always’, ‘sometimes’, ‘often’ and ‘never’.
3 What do you want to do? Big Dreams
Objective: Students will be able to answer comprehension questions, increase their vocabulary and be able to use ‘want’ + the infinitive in positive and negative sentences, and in a question.
4 What do you want to do? Fruit Bowl
Objective: Students will be able to read and understand the text, to answer questions and to notice the use of the imperative form.
5 It’s going to be fun! It’s going to be fantastic!
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading, and listening to, a story. They will learn how to talk about the future using the verb ‘to go + the infinitive’.
6 It’s going to be fun! What’s on the menu?
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading various menus. They will also learn to ask questions politely.
7 We are all doing things! I’m having a great time!
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a letter which focuses on the use of the present continuous tense.
8 We are all doing things! Who can help me?
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a story in which requests for help are made.
9 To Australia and Back! Getting There! Full lesson available
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a text about travel plans. They will also learn about coordinate conjunctions.
10 To Australia and Back! I came back!
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a text in which Chen talks about going home to China. They will also revise the simple past tense.
11 Famous People Bruce Lee
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a text about Bruce Lee. They will also practise the use of the simple past tense and learn more irregular verbs.
12 Famous People Alexander Bell
Objective: Students will develop their comprehension skills by reading a text about Alexander Bell. They will also learn how to use ‘could’ and ‘couldn’t’, and review questions using ‘Wh’ words.
13 Finding Buster! Finding Buster! – A Movie Review
Objective: Students will develop their reading comprehension skills and increase their vocabulary by reading a movie review. They will also learn how to use the conjunction ‘because’ to answer ‘why’ questions.
14 Finding Buster! I’m going to be busy!
Objective: Students will develop their reading comprehension skills by reading a story about plans for the weekend. They will revise the use of the verb ‘to go’ in the present tense + the infinitive to talk about the future.
15 Sentences The Sentence
Objective: To identify and use complete sentences.
16 Common Nouns Common Nouns
Objective: To show a common noun names an object or thing.
17 Nouns Proper Nouns
Objective: To show a proper noun is used to name a person, place or a title.
18 Adjectives Adjectives
Objective: To show an adjective is a word that describes a noun.
19 Adverbs Adverbs
Objective: To identify and use adverbs. To understand an adverb tells something about (modifies) a verb.
20 Pronouns Pronouns
Objective: To show a pronoun is used in place of a noun.
21 Parts of Speech Part b Conjunctions
Objective: To identify and use conjunctions correctly.
22 Parts of Speech Part h Articles and Demonstratives
Objective: To identify and use articles and demonstratives correctly.
23 Antonyms and Synonyms Antonyms and Synonyms
Objective: To identify and use antonyms and synonyms.
24 Spelling Skills Syllabification
Objective: To improve spelling by dividing words correctly into syllables.
25 Plurals Plurals 1 – simple
Objective: To form plurals (more than one) by adding ‘s’ and ‘es’ correctly.
26 Plurals Plurals 2 – special rules
Objective: To form plurals with special rules: words ending in ‘y’ and ‘f’.
27 Nouns Collective and Abstract Nouns
Objective: To identify and use collective and abstract nouns.
28 Verbs Verbs – Tense
Objective: To identify and use the correct tense of verbs: past, present and future.
29 Adjectives Adjectives – Comparatives and Superlatives
Objective: To identify and use comparative and superlative adjectives.
30 Parts of Speech Part a Prepositions
Objective: To identify and use prepositions correctly.
31 Punctuation Skills Part b Quotation Marks
Objective: To use quotation marks for direct speech.
32 Apostrophe – Possession Apostrophe – Possession
Objective: To use the apostrophe of possession correctly.
33 Mnemonics Spelling – Mnemonics
Objective: To identify and use mnemonics to assist in correct spelling.
34 Prefixes Prefixes
Objective: The identify and use prefixes.
35 Suffixes Suffixes
Objective: The identify and use suffixes.
36 Similes and Metaphors Similes and Metaphors
Objective: To identify and use similes and metaphors.
37 Figurative Language Onomatopoeia, Assonance and Alliteration
Objective: To identify, and make use of, onomatopoeia, assonance, and alliteration.
38 Homonyms – Homophones and Homographs Homonyms – Homophones and Homographs
Objective: To identify and use correctly homonyms, both homophones and homographs.
39 Advanced Dictionary Use Advanced Dictionary Use
Objective: To use dictionaries by identifying all the information provided. To use a thesaurus.
40 Capitalisation Capital Letters 2
Objective: To use capital letters correctly: in titles and letters.
41 Adjectives Adjectives – from Nouns and Verbs
Objective: To create adjectives from nouns and verbs. E.g. China – Chinese
42 Pronouns Pronouns 2
Objective: To recognise and use personal, possessive and relative pronouns.
43 Commas 2 Commas 2
Objective: To use commas: to separate places, to separate clauses within sentences, and when using direct speech.
44 Conjunctions – Sentences Conjunctions – Sentences
Objective: To use conjunctions to increase the variety of sentence structure in written expression.
45 Phrases Phrases
Objective: To identify and use phrases including adjectival and adverbial phrases.
46 Clauses Clauses
Objective: To identify and use clauses including adjectival, adverbial and noun clauses.
47 Simple and Compound Verbs Simple and Compound Verbs
Objective: To identify and use simple and compound verbs.
48 Auxiliary Verbs Auxiliary Verbs
Objective: To identify and use auxiliary verbs within compound verbs.
49 Subject-Verb Agreement Subject-Verb Agreement
Objective: To identify and use correct tense, number and person in forming verbs.
50 Verb tense – Compound Verb tense – Compound
Objective: To identify and use ‘to be’ and ‘to have’ with the appropriate participle of the main verb.
51 Plurals Plurals 3 – Unusual
Objective: To create unusual plurals: for words ending in ‘o’; by changing the vowels or by adding letters.
52 Common Errors Common Errors in verb usage, spelling and punctuation
Objective: To identify and eliminate common errors.
53 Punctuation Punctuation – Various
Objective: To use hyphens, dashes, apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses and brackets correctly.
54 Vocabulary Development Vocabulary
Objective: To identify and use better words than ‘got’ and ‘said’.
55 What do you like to do? Adverbs of frequency
Objective: Learn about the past continuous tense.
56 BBQ Party! Expressions of quantity
Objective: Learn the words used to express quantity.
57 BBQ Party! Sequence markers
Objective: Learn the words used in sequences or ordering.
58 Big day out! First and second conditionals
Objective: Learn the use of first conditionals. Learn the use of second conditionals.
59 Big day out! The future with ‘will’ and ‘going to’
Objective: Learn the uses of ‘will’ and ‘going to’ to talk about the future.
60 Thanks and goodbye Time clauses
Objective: Learn how to use time clauses.