Is your child ready for next term?
· New uniform bought
· Sports kit ready
· Shoes checked for fit/new ones bought
· Bag in good condition/ new purchase
· Pens, pencils, rubber, rulers, mathematical instruments present and correct
· Child’s aptitude in basic skills checked to ensure they can cope in class
OK – this last one isn’t usually on the ‘To Do’ list for a new school year – but it should be!
The most common problem children face when they go back to school is that they struggle to keep up with the work. More often than not, this is because they have slowly dropped behind and are trying to cope with work that is a level or more above their ability.
This doesn’t mean they are stupid – everyone learns at a different pace and a busy teacher may simply not have had the time to help them when they started to drop behind. In fact, their teachers may not have realised they have a problem – kids are often very good at hiding their shortcomings for fear of retribution (or being teased or bullied by their classmates).
Futureschool offers you a trial that:

Let’s you check your child’s abilities out and find out what level they’re actually competent at

Provides a way for your child to get up to speed – at their own pace

Is simple to use and offers structured learning at every YEAR from 1 through to 13 in Maths and English

Gives you the means to monitor their progress and support them

Is tailored to the current curriculum

Is very affordable – costing much less than a tutor
It costs nothing to get your 30 day free trial – with no obligation or commitment (other than to your child). It really is a no-brainer!