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Grade 8 Mathematics

1 Study Plan Study plan – Grade 8
Objective: On completion of the course formative assessment a tailored study plan is created identifying the lessons requiring revision.
2 Algebra – Basic Directed Numbers: Addition and Subtraction
Objective: To add/subtract numbers using a number line – first number and answer can be negative
3 Algebra – Basic Directed Numbers: Multiplication and Division
Objective: To multiply and divide directed numbers and evaluate powers of directed numbers
4 Fractions Finding equivalent fractions
Objective: To reduce a fraction to its lowest form
5 Fractions Multiplying and dividing to obtain equivalent fractions.
Objective: To find equivalent fractions using multiplication or division.
6 Fractions Reducing fractions to lowest equivalent form
Objective: To reduce a fraction to its lowest form
7 Fractions Comparing and ordering fractions greater than 1
Objective: To use diagrams, number lines and equivalent fractions to compare and order fractions greater than 1
8 Fractions Subtracting fractions from whole numbers
Objective: To use a diagram and mental strategies to subtract fractions from whole numbers
9 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Objective: To add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
10 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators
Objective: To add fractions with different denominators and the answer is less than 1
11 Fractions Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Objective: To multiply common fractions by whole numbers
12 Fractions Fractions of whole numbers
Objective: To find fractions of whole numbers
13 Fractions Multiplying fractions
Objective: To multiply fractions and reduce the answer to its lowest form
14 Fractions Multiplying mixed numbers
Objective: To multiply mixed numbers and reduce the answer to its lowest form
15 Fractions Finding reciprocals of fractions and mixed numbers
Objective: To find the reciprocals of fractions and mixed numbers
16 Fractions Dividing fractions
Objective: To divide fractions by other fractions
17 Fractions Dividing mixed numbers
Objective: To divide mixed numbers
18 Fractions BODMAS
Objective: To calculate answers for fraction and mixed number questions using BODMAS
19 Decimals Adding decimals to two decimal places
Objective: To add decimals with the same number of decimal places (to two decimal Places)
20 Decimals Subtracting decimals to two decimal places
Objective: To subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places (to two decimal places)
21 Decimals Using decimals – shopping problems
Objective: To read and interpret problems involving money
22 Decimals Using decimals to record length
Objective: To interpret the everyday use of fractions and decimals
23 Decimals Rounding Decimals
Objective: To round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number
24 Decimals Decimals to three decimal places
Objective: To express a number on a thousand as a decimal in thousandths
25 Decimals Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places
Objective: To add decimal numbers with a different number of decimal places
26 Decimals Subtracting decimals with a different number of places
Objective: To subtract decimals with a different number of decimal places
27 Decimals Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
Objective: To recognise the pattern formed when decimals are multiplied by 10, 100 and 1000
28 Decimals Multiplying decimals by single-digit numbers
Objective: To multiply decimals by single-digit numbers
29 Decimals Multiplication of decimals by decimals to two decimal places
Objective: To multiply decimals to two digits
30 Decimals Dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
Objective: To recognise the pattern formed when decimals are divided by 10, 100 and 1000
31 Decimals Dividing decimals by whole numbers
Objective: To divide decimals by whole numbers
32 Decimals Dividing numbers by decimals
Objective: To divide a whole number by a decimal fraction
33 Percentages Understanding percentages
Objective: To recognise the percentage symbol and relate a common percentage to a fraction
34 Percentages Changing fractions and decimals to percentages tenths and hundredths
Objective: To represent fractions and decimals as percentages
35 Percentages Changing percentages to fractions and decimals
Objective: To change percentages to fractions and decimals
36 Percentages One Quantity as a Percentage of Another
Objective: To determine what one quantity is as a percentage of another
37 Uniform motion The Speed Formula
Objective: To calculate speed, distance or time using speed = distance/time
38 Measurement – Length Read and calculate distances on a map using the formal unit kilometre
Objective: To read distances (km) from a map and calculate total distances between locations
39 Measurement – Length Compare and convert formal units of measurement
Objective: To change cm to mm and then convert mm, cm, m and km from one to another
40 Measurement – Area Introducing the Rules for Finding the Area of a Rectangle and a Parallelogram
Objective: To calculate the areas of rectangles and parallelograms using Area of Rectangle = Length x Height and Area of Parallelogram = Base x Height
41 Measurement – Area Finding the Area of a Triangle and Other Composite Shapes
Objective: To calculate the area of triangles and measure and calculate composite shape area
42 Measurement – Capacity Using the cubic cm and displacement to measure volume and capacity
Objective: To find volume and capacity using displacement
43 Measurement – Capacity Using the Cubic cm as a Standard Unit of measurement for Volume and Capacity
Objective: To understand a cubic centimetre and how it can be used to find the volume and capacity of a three-dimensional shape
44 Measurement – Capacity The relationship between the common units of capacity: the litre and the millilitre
Objective: To convert L to mL and vice versa using 1000 mL = 1 L
45 Measurement – Capacity Converting between volume and capacity using kiloliters and liters
Objective: To know the formal units of measurement for volume and capacity for bigger objects
46 Measurement – Capacity Estimate, measure and compare the capacity of containers
Objective: To understand estimation and a way to go about it
47 Measurement – Capacity Converting between volume and capacity using milliliters and liters
Objective: To solve capacity problems involving mixed dimensional units
48 Measurement – Mass The Kilogram
Objective: To recognise which of two (or more) objects has the greater mass
49 Measurement – Mass The Gram
Objective: To calculate net mass in grams and solve shopping problems involving mass
50 Measurement – Advanced area Area of a Circle
Objective: To calculate the area of circles and sectors and to solve circle problems
51 Measurement – Advanced area Area of Regular Polygons and Composite Figures
Objective: To calculate area of composite figures and solve problems using correct formulae
52 Measurement – Advanced volume Finding the volume of prisms
Objective: To calculate the volume of prisms using V=Ah and solve volume problems
53 Measurement – Advanced volume Volume of a Cylinder and Sphere
Objective: To solve problems and calculate volumes of cylinders and spheres and parts of each
54 Space Using the prefix to determine polygons
Objective: To continue sequences of shapes and recognise prefixes and name polygons
55 Space Spatial properties of quadrilaterals
Objective: To recall and recognise properties of different quadrilaterals
56 Space Measure and classify angles
Objective: To classify and measure angles and calculate angles in a triangle
57 Space Recognise and name triangles
Objective: To recall properties of different triangles
58 Space Use grids to enlarge/reduce 2-D shapes
Objective: To recognise shapes that tessellate and specify position on a grid
59 Space Recognise and name prisms according to spatial properties
Objective: To name prisms according to the shape of the base
60 Space Recognise and name pyramids according to spatial properties
Objective: To name pyramids according to the shape of the base
61 Space Recognise nets for prisms, pyramids, cubes and cones
Objective: To match a net with a solid and determine whether a given net forms a solid
62 Space Viewing 3-D Shapes
Objective: To recognise what a solid looks like when viewed from a given direction
63 Problem solving Word Problems with Area
Objective: To solve area word problems using + – x and /
64 Problem solving Word Problems with Volume/Capacity
Objective: To solve volume and capacity word problems using + – x and /
65 Surface area Surface Area of a Cube/Rectangular Prism
Objective: To calculate the surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms
66 Surface area Surface Area of a Cylinder and Sphere
Objective: To calculate the surface area of cylinders and spheres
67 Geometry part 1 Measuring Angles
Objective: To use a protractor to measure angles and identify angles as acute, obtuse or reflex
68 Geometry part 1 Adjacent Angles
Objective: To recognise and calculate the size of adjacent angles
69 Geometry part 1 Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Objective: To recognise and calculate the size of complementary and supplementary angles
70 Geometry part 1 Vertically Opposite Angles
Objective: To determine values of pronumerals in vertically opposite angles
71 Geometry part 1 Angles at a Point
Objective: To use angles at a point to calculate unknown angles
72 Geometry part 1 Parallel Lines
Objective: To identify angle pairs and calculate angles formed by a transversal and parallel lines
73 Geometry part 1 Additional questions involving parallel lines
Objective: To determine angle magnitude for angles formed by parallel lines and transversals
74 Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals 1
Objective: To recognise, name and describe the properties of quadrilaterals
75 Quadrilaterals Properties of Parallelograms – Opposite Angles Equal
Objective: To prove and use ‘Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent’
76 Quadrilaterals Properties of Parallelograms – Diagonals, Sides and Angles
Objective: To prove parallelogram properties and calculate unknown angles and lengths
77 Quadrilaterals The Parallelogram Umbrella
Objective: To prove properties of specific parallelograms and find angles and lengths
78 Quadrilaterals Properties of Trapezoids
Objective: To prove properties of trapezoids and find unknown lengths and angles
79 Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals 6
Objective: To establish the properties of quadrilaterals in the number plane
80 Geometry part 2 Congruent triangles: Tests 1 and 2
Objective: To recognise congruent triangles and matching sides and angles using SSS and SAS
81 Geometry part 2 Congruent triangles: Tests 3 and 4
Objective: To recognise congruent triangles and matching sides and angles using AAS and RHS
82 Geometry part 2 Proofs and Congruent Triangles
Objective: To use congruency in formal proofs in order to determine unknown angles and sides
83 Geometry part 2 Similar Triangles
Objective: To use similarity tests for triangles and determine unknown sides and angles in triangles
84 Geometry part 2 Using Similar Triangles to Calculate Lengths
Objective: To determine unknown sides and angles of similar triangles
85 Geometry part 2 Examples involving overlapping triangles
Objective: To determine the lengths of unknown sides in overlapping or adjacent similar triangles
86 Pythagoras Pythagoras’ Theorem: Finding the Hypotenuse
Objective: To calculate the length of a hypotenuse using Pythagoras’ Theorem
87 Pythagoras Using Pythagorean Triples to Identify Right Triangles
Objective: To identify right triangles by using Pythagorean Triples or Pythagoras’ Theorem
88 Pythagoras Calculating the Hypotenuse of a right-angled Triangle
Objective: To calculate the length of a hypotenuse where lengths are given as surds or decimals
89 Pythagoras Calculating a Leg of a right-angled Triangle
Objective: To calculate the length of sides other than the hypotenuse using Pythagoras’ Theorem
90 Algebra – Basic Algebraic Expressions
Objective: To simplify numerical expressions and simplify and expand algebraic expressions
91 Algebra – Basic Substitution into Algebraic Expressions
Objective: To evaluate simple algebraic expressions using whole numbers, fractions and decimals
92 Algebra – Basic Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Adding Like Terms
Objective: To simplify numeric and algebraic addition expressions by collecting like terms
93 Algebra – Basic Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Subtracting Like Terms
Objective: To simplify algebraic subtractions by collecting like terms
94 Algebra – Basic Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Combining Addition and Subtraction
Objective: To simplify expressions containing addition and subtraction and two unlike terms
95 Algebra – Basic Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Multiplication
Objective: To simplify algebraic products using (but not stating) the commutative law
96 Algebra – Basic Simplifying Algebraic Expressions: Division
Objective: To divide algebraic terms where the divisor is a factor of the dividend
97 Algebra – Basic Expanding Algebraic Expressions: multiplication
Objective: To remove grouping symbols from an expression where the multiplier is monomial
98 Algebra – Basic Expanding Algebraic Expressions: Negative multiplier
Objective: To expand parentheses when there is a negative multiplier
99 Algebra – Basic Expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions
Objective: To expand and simplify algebraic expressions involving grouping symbols
100 Algebra – Basic Solving Equations containing Addition and Subtraction
Objective: To solve one-step equations involving addition or subtraction
101 Algebra – Basic Solving Equations containing Multiplication and Division
Objective: To solve one-step equations involving multiplication or division
102 Algebra – Basic Solving Two-Step Equations
Objective: To solve two-step equations without division in the initial problem
103 Algebra – Basic Solving Equations Containing Binomial Expressions
Objective: To solve equations with binomial expressions on each side
104 Algebra – Basic Equations involving Grouping Symbols
Objective: To solve equations containing grouping symbols on each side
105 Algebra – Basic Equations involving fractions
Objective: To solve fraction equations with the unknown in either the numerator or denominator
106 Algebra – Basic Equations Resulting from Substitution into Formulae
Objective: To solve equations created by substituting values into formulae
107 Algebra – Basic Changing the Subject of the Formula
Objective: To change the subject of algebraic formulae using equation-solving techniques
108 Space Mapping
Objective: To locate places and describe navigation on a map and use a row/column grid
109 Space Main and intermediate compass points
Objective: To specify direction using the eight points of a compass
110 Space Informal coordinate system
Objective: To specify location using a map coordinate system – origin top left
111 Graphs – Basic Line Graphs
Objective: To read and interpret line graphs
112 Graphs – Basic Pie and Bar Graphs
Objective: To read and interpret pie and bar graphs
113 Statistics part 1 Frequency distribution table
Objective: To construct a frequency distribution table for raw data and to interpret the table
114 Statistics part 1 Frequency histograms and polygons
Objective: To construct and interpret frequency histograms and polygons
115 Statistics part 1 Relative Frequency
Objective: To extend the frequency distribution table to include a relative frequency column
116 Statistics part 1 The Scatter plot
Objective: To make a valid interpretation of data presented as a scatter plot
117 Probability Simple events
Objective: To find the probability of events using sample space and event set (E) and P(E) = n(E)/n(S)
118 Probability Experimental probability
Objective: To find the experimental probabilities of an experimental trial
119 Probability Experimental probability
Objective: To use tree diagrams to determine sample spaces and compound probabilities
120 Probability The Complementary Result
Objective: To calculate the probability of complementary events using P(E) = 1 – P(not E)
121 Exam Exam – Grade 8
Objective: Exam